Course curriculum

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    New Chapter

    • A Brief Introduction to the Shafi Madhhab

    • (1) Fiqh: Tayyamum to end of chapter of Purity

    • (2) Fiqh: Beg of Book of Prayer

    • (3) Fiqh: Book of Prayer

    • (4) Fiqh: Book of Prayer

    • (5) Fiqh: Book of Prayer

    • (6) Fiqh: Funerals and Beginning of Zakat

    • (7) Fiqh: Zakat

    • (8) Fiqh: Zakat End/Beg of Fasting

    • (9) Fiqh: End of Fasting

    • (10) Fiqh: Hajj

    • (11) Fiqh: Beg of Transactions

    • (12) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (13) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (14) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (15) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (16) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (17) Fiqh: Transactions

    • (18) Fiqh: Inheritance

    • (19) Fiqh: Inheritance

    • (20) Fiqh: Marriage

    • (21) Fiqh: Marriage

    • (22) Fiqh: Marriage & Divorce

    • (23) Fiqh: Injuries

    • (24) Fiqh: Punishments

    • (25) Fiqh: Punishments

    • (26) Fiqh: Jihad

    • (27) Fiqh: Hunting and Slaughtering

    • (28) Fiqh: Games & Oaths and Courts

    • (29) Fiqh: Courts and Manumission, Conclusion of Book